
%pdf-1.5 %热热热?1 0 obj <> endobj 2 0 obj <>/metadata 738 0 r>> endobj 3 0 obj <> endobj 4 0 obj <>/extgstate<>>>/group<>/structparents 0/tabs/s>> endobj 5 0 obj <>stream 1 0 0 -1 0 841.90002441 cm q 1 0 0 1 90 72 cm q 1 g -1.45000005 0 m 416.75 0 l 416.75 21 l -1.45000005 21 l h f* q /p <> bdc q 1 g 92.15000153 0.81900001 m 323.1499939 0.81900001 l 323.1499939 18.82999992 l 92.15000153 18.82999992 l h f* q emc /p <> bdc bt /faaaah 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 92.15000153 14.39999962 tm 0 g [<0003000400050006000700080009000a000b000c000d000e000f001000070011001200130014001500160017>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt /faaabb 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 323.1499939 14.39999962 tm /gs1 gs 0 g [( )] tj et emc q /gs1 gs 0.80000001 0.2 0 rg 1.5 w -1.45000005 21.75 m 416.75 21.75 l s q q /gs2 gs 1 g -1.45000005 36.5 m 416.75 36.5 l 416.75 54.5 l -1.45000005 54.5 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 0 36.5 cm /p <> bdc q /gs2 gs 1 g 0 -3.70900011 m 84 -3.70900011 l 84 20.30599976 l 0 20.30599976 l h f* q emc /p <> bdc bt /faaaah 14 tf 1 0 0 -1 0 14.39999962 tm /gs2 gs 0 g [<0018001900140015001a001b>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt /faaabb 14 tf 1 0 0 -1 84 14.39999962 tm /gs1 gs 0 g [( )] tj et emc q q /gs2 gs 1 g -1.45000005 54.5 m 416.75 54.5 l 416.75 86.5 l -1.45000005 86.5 l h f* q q /gs2 gs 1 g -1.45000005 86.5 m 416.75 86.5 l 416.75 104.5 l -1.45000005 104.5 l h f* q q /gs2 gs 1 g -1.45000005 104.5 m 416.75 104.5 l 416.75 122.5 l -1.45000005 122.5 l h f* q q /gs2 gs 1 g -1.45000005 122.5 m 416.75 122.5 l 416.75 154.5 l -1.45000005 154.5 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 24 54.5 cm /p <> bdc bt /faaabg 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 0 28.39999962 tm /gs2 gs 0 g [<00030004000500060007000800040009000a000b000c000d000e000f0010000900110012001300140015001600120013001700180019001a001b001c000e000f00100009001100120013>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt 1 0 0 -1 -24 46.40000153 tm [<001400150016001d001e001f0020001b>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt 1 0 0 -1 57.65000153 46.40000153 tm [<00210022001d0023000f00100009001200130014001500160019001a00240017001800160025002600270028000f00100029002a0011002b002c001b>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt 1 0 0 -1 370.29998779 46.40000153 tm [<002d002e>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt 1 0 0 -1 -24 64.40000153 tm [<002f0028000f00100030003100320033003400350036000f0010000900120037003800390011003a003b001b003c003d003e003f0040004100160033003400400041001100090042004300440012>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt 1 0 0 -1 -24 82.40000153 tm [<00370045>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt /faaaca 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 -7.70000076 82.40000153 tm /gs1 gs 0 g [( )] tj et emc q q /gs2 gs 1 g -1.45000005 154.5 m 416.75 154.5 l 416.75 172.5 l -1.45000005 172.5 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 0 154.5 cm /p <> bdc q /gs2 gs 1 g 0 -3.70900011 m 84 -3.70900011 l 84 20.30599976 l 0 20.30599976 l h f* q emc /p <> bdc bt /faaaah 14 tf 1 0 0 -1 0 14.39999962 tm /gs2 gs 0 g [<001c001900140015001d001e>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt /faaabb 14 tf 1 0 0 -1 84 14.39999962 tm /gs1 gs 0 g [( )] tj et emc q q /gs2 gs 1 g -1.45000005 172.5 m 416.75 172.5 l 416.75 218.5 l -1.45000005 218.5 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 24 172.5 cm /p <> bdc q /gs2 gs 1 g 0 14.81900024 m 6.15700006 14.81900024 l 6.15700006 32.83000183 l 0 32.83000183 l h f* q q /gs2 gs 1 g 6.15700006 14.81900024 m 310.65701294 14.81900024 l 310.65701294 32.83000183 l 6.15700006 32.83000183 l h f* q q /gs2 gs 1 g 313.28201294 14.81900024 m 328.125 14.81900024 l 328.125 32.83000183 l 313.28201294 32.83000183 l h f* q q /gs2 gs 1 g 328.125 14.81900024 m 338.625 14.81900024 l 338.625 32.83000183 l 328.125 32.83000183 l h f* q emc /p <> bdc bt /faaaca 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 0 28.39999962 tm /gs2 gs 0 g [(1)] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt /faaabg 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 6.15700006 28.39999962 tm [<00470003000400480049004a004b000d000e000f001000090016001c000e000f00100009004c004d0017001b0017004e004f005000120013003d>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt /faaaca 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 313.28201294 28.39999962 tm [(1:1)] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt /faaabg 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 328.125 28.39999962 tm [<0045>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt /faaaca 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 338.625 28.39999962 tm /gs1 gs 0 g [( )] tj et emc q q /gs2 gs 1 g -1.45000005 218.5 m 416.75 218.5 l 416.75 250.5 l -1.45000005 250.5 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 24 218.5 cm /p <> bdc q /gs2 gs 1 g 0 0.81900001 m 8.68500042 0.81900001 l 8.68500042 18.82999992 l 0 18.82999992 l h f* q q /gs2 gs 1 g 8.68500042 0.81900001 m 13.93500042 0.81900001 l 13.93500042 18.82999992 l 8.68500042 18.82999992 l h f* q q /gs2 gs 1 g 13.93500042 0.81900001 m 244.93499756 0.81900001 l 244.93499756 18.82999992 l 13.93500042 18.82999992 l h f* q q /gs2 gs 1 g 247.55999756 0.81900001 m 266.03198242 0.81900001 l 266.03198242 18.82999992 l 247.55999756 18.82999992 l h f* q q /gs2 gs 1 g 268.65701294 0.81900001 m 331.65701294 0.81900001 l 331.65701294 18.82999992 l 268.65701294 18.82999992 l h f* q q /gs2 gs 1 g 334.28201294 0.81900001 m 352.75402832 0.81900001 l 352.75402832 18.82999992 l 334.28201294 18.82999992 l h f* q q /gs2 gs 1 g 355.3789978 0.81900001 m 376.3789978 0.81900001 l 376.3789978 18.82999992 l 355.3789978 18.82999992 l h f* q emc /p <> bdc bt /faaaca 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 0 14.39999962 tm /gs2 gs 0 g [(2.)] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt 1 0 0 -1 8.68500042 14.39999962 tm [( )] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt /faaabg 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 13.93500042 14.39999962 tm [<00030004005400230055005600570058000400560059005a005b005c00030004001b00030004005d005e003d>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt /faaaca 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 247.55999756 14.39999962 tm [(12)-1(0)] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt /faaabg 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 268.65701294 14.39999962 tm [<00170060001b00610017003d>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt /faaaca 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 334.28201294 14.39999962 tm [(10)-1(0)] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt /faaabg 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 355.3789978 14.39999962 tm [<00170045>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt /faaaca 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 376.3789978 14.39999962 tm /gs1 gs 0 g [( )] tj et emc q q /gs2 gs 1 g -1.45000005 250.5 m 416.75 250.5 l 416.75 282.5 l -1.45000005 282.5 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 24 250.5 cm /p <> bdc q /gs2 gs 1 g 0 0.81900001 m 6.15700006 0.81900001 l 6.15700006 18.82999992 l 0 18.82999992 l h f* q q /gs2 gs 1 g 8.78199959 0.81900001 m 323.78201294 0.81900001 l 323.78201294 18.82999992 l 8.78199959 18.82999992 l h f* q emc /p <> bdc bt /faaaca 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 0 14.39999962 tm /gs2 gs 0 g [(3)] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt /faaabg 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 8.78199959 14.39999962 tm [<00030004002a00630017003d00640065006600670068002a0069006a006b002a0069006c006d002a00160015006e002a006f00700071002a00630045>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt /faaaca 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 323.78201294 14.39999962 tm /gs1 gs 0 g [( )] tj et emc q q /gs2 gs 1 g -1.45000005 282.5 m 416.75 282.5 l 416.75 300.5 l -1.45000005 300.5 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 0 282.5 cm /p <> bdc q /gs2 gs 1 g 0 -3.70900011 m 182 -3.70900011 l 182 20.30599976 l 0 20.30599976 l h f* q emc /p <> bdc bt /faaaah 14 tf 1 0 0 -1 0 14.39999962 tm /gs2 gs 0 g [<001f001900150020002100220023002400250024002600270028>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt /faaabb 14 tf 1 0 0 -1 182 14.39999962 tm /gs1 gs 0 g [( )] tj et emc q q /gs2 gs 1 g -1.45000005 300.5 m 416.75 300.5 l 416.75 321.5 l -1.45000005 321.5 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 0 300.5 cm /p <> bdc bt /faaabb 14 tf 1 0 0 -1 0 17.39999962 tm [( )] tj et emc q q 1 0 0 1 0.375 321.5 cm q /gs2 gs 1 g 0.375 0.75 m 109.875 0.75 l 109.875 23.25 l 0.375 23.25 l h f* q q -0.625 -0.25 m 110.875 -0.25 l 110.875 24.25 l -0.625 24.25 l h w n q 1 0 0 1 5.25 0.75 cm /p <> bdc bt /faaabg 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 39.375 14.39999962 tm /gs2 gs 0 g [<002a0063>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt /faaaca 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 60.375 14.39999962 tm /gs1 gs 0 g [( )] tj et emc q q q /gs2 gs 1 g 110.25 0.75 m 253.125 0.75 l 253.125 23.25 l 110.25 23.25 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 110.25 0 cm -1 -0.25 m 143.875 -0.25 l 143.875 24.25 l -1 24.25 l h w n q 1 0 0 1 5.25 0.75 cm /p <> bdc bt /faaabg 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 55.875 14.39999962 tm /gs2 gs 0 g [<0017004e>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt /faaaca 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 76.875 14.39999962 tm /gs1 gs 0 g [( )] tj et emc q q q 1 0 0 1 0 23.25 cm q /gs2 gs 1 g 0.375 0 m 109.875 0 l 109.875 23.25 l 0.375 23.25 l h f* q q -0.625 -1 m 110.875 -1 l 110.875 24.25 l -0.625 24.25 l h w n q 1 0 0 1 5.25 0.75 cm /p <> bdc bt /faaabg 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 23.625 14.39999962 tm /gs2 gs 0 g [<0065006600670068002a>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt /faaaca 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 76.125 14.39999962 tm /gs1 gs 0 g [( )] tj et emc q q q /gs2 gs 1 g 110.25 0 m 253.125 0 l 253.125 23.25 l 110.25 23.25 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 110.25 0 cm -1 -1 m 143.875 -1 l 143.875 24.25 l -1 24.25 l h w n q 1 0 0 1 5.25 0.75 cm /p <> bdc bt /faaaca 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 60.21699905 14.39999962 tm /gs2 gs 0 g [(20)] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt 1 0 0 -1 72.53199768 14.39999962 tm /gs1 gs 0 g [( )] tj et emc q q q q 1 0 0 1 0 46.5 cm q /gs2 gs 1 g 0.375 0 m 109.875 0 l 109.875 23.25 l 0.375 23.25 l h f* q q -0.625 -1 m 110.875 -1 l 110.875 24.25 l -0.625 24.25 l h w n q 1 0 0 1 5.25 0.75 cm /p <> bdc bt /faaabg 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 34.125 14.39999962 tm /gs2 gs 0 g [<006a006b002a>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt /faaaca 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 65.625 14.39999962 tm /gs1 gs 0 g [( )] tj et emc q q q /gs2 gs 1 g 110.25 0 m 253.125 0 l 253.125 23.25 l 110.25 23.25 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 110.25 0 cm -1 -1 m 143.875 -1 l 143.875 24.25 l -1 24.25 l h w n q 1 0 0 1 5.25 0.75 cm /p <> bdc bt /faaaca 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 60.21699905 14.39999962 tm /gs2 gs 0 g [(20)] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt 1 0 0 -1 72.53199768 14.39999962 tm /gs1 gs 0 g [( )] tj et emc q q q q 1 0 0 1 0 69.75 cm q /gs2 gs 1 g 0.375 0 m 109.875 0 l 109.875 23.25 l 0.375 23.25 l h f* q q -0.625 -1 m 110.875 -1 l 110.875 24.25 l -0.625 24.25 l h w n q 1 0 0 1 5.25 0.75 cm /p <> bdc bt /faaabg 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 34.125 14.39999962 tm /gs2 gs 0 g [<006c006d002a>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt /faaaca 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 65.625 14.39999962 tm /gs1 gs 0 g [( )] tj et emc q q q /gs2 gs 1 g 110.25 0 m 253.125 0 l 253.125 23.25 l 110.25 23.25 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 110.25 0 cm -1 -1 m 143.875 -1 l 143.875 24.25 l -1 24.25 l h w n q 1 0 0 1 5.25 0.75 cm /p <> bdc bt /faaaca 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 60.21699905 14.39999962 tm /gs2 gs 0 g [(30)] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt 1 0 0 -1 72.53199768 14.39999962 tm /gs1 gs 0 g [( )] tj et emc q q q q 1 0 0 1 0 93 cm q /gs2 gs 1 g 0.375 0 m 109.875 0 l 109.875 23.25 l 0.375 23.25 l h f* q q -0.625 -1 m 110.875 -1 l 110.875 24.25 l -0.625 24.25 l h w n q 1 0 0 1 5.25 0.75 cm /p <> bdc bt /faaabg 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 34.125 14.39999962 tm /gs2 gs 0 g [<0015006e002a>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt /faaaca 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 65.625 14.39999962 tm /gs1 gs 0 g [( )] tj et emc q q q /gs2 gs 1 g 110.25 0 m 253.125 0 l 253.125 23.25 l 110.25 23.25 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 110.25 0 cm -1 -1 m 143.875 -1 l 143.875 24.25 l -1 24.25 l h w n q 1 0 0 1 5.25 0.75 cm /p <> bdc bt /faaaca 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 60.21699905 14.39999962 tm /gs2 gs 0 g [(30)] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt 1 0 0 -1 72.53199768 14.39999962 tm /gs1 gs 0 g [( )] tj et emc q q q q 1 0 0 1 0 116.25 cm q /gs2 gs 1 g 0.375 0 m 109.875 0 l 109.875 23.25 l 0.375 23.25 l h f* q q -0.625 -1 m 110.875 -1 l 110.875 24.25 l -0.625 24.25 l h w n q 1 0 0 1 5.25 0.75 cm /p <> bdc bt /faaabg 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 39.375 14.39999962 tm /gs2 gs 0 g [<0072006c>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt /faaaca 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 60.375 14.39999962 tm /gs1 gs 0 g [( )] tj et emc q q q /gs2 gs 1 g 110.25 0 m 253.125 0 l 253.125 23.25 l 110.25 23.25 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 110.25 0 cm -1 -1 m 143.875 -1 l 143.875 24.25 l -1 24.25 l h w n q 1 0 0 1 5.25 0.75 cm /p <> bdc bt /faaaca 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 57.13899994 14.39999962 tm /gs2 gs 0 g [(10)-1(0)] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt 1 0 0 -1 75.61100006 14.39999962 tm /gs1 gs 0 g [( )] tj et emc q q q q /gs1 gs 0 g 0.75 w 0 0.75 m 0 139.5 l s q q /gs1 gs 0 g 0.75 w 110.25 0.75 m 110.25 23.25 l s q q /gs1 gs 0 g 0.75 w 110.25 24 m 110.25 46.5 l s q q /gs1 gs 0 g 0.75 w 110.25 47.25 m 110.25 69.75 l s q q /gs1 gs 0 g 0.75 w 110.25 70.5 m 110.25 93 l s q q /gs1 gs 0 g 0.75 w 110.25 93.75 m 110.25 116.25 l s q q /gs1 gs 0 g 0.75 w 110.25 117 m 110.25 139.5 l s q q /gs1 gs 0 g 0.75 w 253.5 0.75 m 253.5 139.5 l s q q /gs1 gs 0 g 0.75 w -0.375 0.375 m 253.875 0.375 l s q q /gs1 gs 0 g 0.75 w 0.375 23.625 m 253.125 23.625 l s q q /gs1 gs 0 g 0.75 w 0.375 46.875 m 253.125 46.875 l s q q /gs1 gs 0 g 0.75 w 0.375 70.125 m 253.125 70.125 l s q q /gs1 gs 0 g 0.75 w 0.375 93.375 m 253.125 93.375 l s q q /gs1 gs 0 g 0.75 w 0.375 116.625 m 253.125 116.625 l s q q /gs1 gs 0 g 0.75 w -0.375 139.875 m 253.875 139.875 l s q q q /gs2 gs 1 g -1.45000005 475.75 m 416.75 475.75 l 416.75 498.25 l -1.45000005 498.25 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 0 461.75 cm /p <> bdc q /gs2 gs 1 g 0 14.81900024 m 357 14.81900024 l 357 32.83000183 l 0 32.83000183 l h f* q emc /p <> bdc bt /faaabg 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 0 28.39999962 tm /gs2 gs 0 g [<0073006400210074000700750076000300040011006100770078003a003b001b00750079000300560011007a00770017004e0017007b007c0021007d007e007f00800045>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt /faaaca 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 357 28.39999962 tm /gs1 gs 0 g [( )] tj et emc q q /gs2 gs 1 g -1.45000005 498.25 m 416.75 498.25 l 416.75 516.25 l -1.45000005 516.25 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 0 498.25 cm /p <> bdc bt /faaabb 14 tf 1 0 0 -1 0 14.39999962 tm [( )] tj et emc q q /gs2 gs 1 g -1.45000005 516.25 m 416.75 516.25 l 416.75 537.25 l -1.45000005 537.25 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 0 516.25 cm /p <> bdc q /gs2 gs 1 g 0 -0.70899999 m 126 -0.70899999 l 126 23.30599976 l 0 23.30599976 l h f* q emc /p <> bdc bt /faaaah 14 tf 1 0 0 -1 0 17.39999962 tm /gs2 gs 0 g [<0029001900140015002a002b002c00270028>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt /faaabb 14 tf 1 0 0 -1 126 17.39999962 tm /gs1 gs 0 g [( )] tj et emc q q /gs2 gs 1 g -1.45000005 537.25 m 416.75 537.25 l 416.75 558.25 l -1.45000005 558.25 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 0 537.25 cm /p <> bdc bt /faaabb 14 tf 1 0 0 -1 0 17.39999962 tm [( )] tj et emc q q 1 0 0 1 0.375 558.25 cm q /gs2 gs 1 g 0.375 0.75 m 140.2250061 0.75 l 140.2250061 23.25 l 0.375 23.25 l h f* q q -0.625 -0.25 m 141.2250061 -0.25 l 141.2250061 24.25 l -0.625 24.25 l h w n q 1 0 0 1 5.25 0.75 cm /p <> bdc bt /faaabg 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 49.29999924 14.39999962 tm /gs2 gs 0 g [<003800390081>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt /faaaca 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 80.80000305 14.39999962 tm /gs1 gs 0 g [( )] tj et emc q q q /gs2 gs 1 g 140.6000061 0.75 m 374.77502441 0.75 l 374.77502441 23.25 l 140.6000061 23.25 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 140.6000061 0 cm -1 -0.25 m 235.17500305 -0.25 l 235.17500305 24.25 l -1 24.25 l h w n q 1 0 0 1 5.25 0.75 cm /p <> bdc bt /faaabg 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 101.52500153 14.39999962 tm /gs2 gs 0 g [<00820083>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt /faaaca 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 122.52500153 14.39999962 tm /gs1 gs 0 g [( )] tj et emc q q q /gs2 gs 1 g 375.1499939 0.75 m 425.42498779 0.75 l 425.42498779 23.25 l 375.1499939 23.25 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 375.1499939 0 cm -1 -0.25 m 51.27500153 -0.25 l 51.27500153 24.25 l -1 24.25 l h w n q 1 0 0 1 5.25 0.75 cm /p <> bdc bt /faaabg 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 9.57499981 14.39999962 tm /gs2 gs 0 g [<003a003b>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt /faaaca 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 30.57500076 14.39999962 tm /gs1 gs 0 g [( )] tj et emc q q q 1 0 0 1 0 23.25 cm q /gs2 gs 1 g 0.375 0 m 425.42498779 0 l 425.42498779 23.25 l 0.375 23.25 l h f* q q -0.625 -1 m 426.42498779 -1 l 426.42498779 24.25 l -0.625 24.25 l h w n q 1 0 0 1 5.25 0.75 cm /p <> bdc bt /faaaah 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 134.1499939 14.39999962 tm /gs2 gs 0 g [<002d0018002e002f0030002800190031003200230033003400350036>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt /faaabb 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 281.1499939 14.39999962 tm /gs1 gs 0 g [( )] tj et emc q q q q 1 0 0 1 0 46.5 cm q -0.625 -1 m 141.2250061 -1 l 141.2250061 47.5 l -0.625 47.5 l h w n q q /gs2 gs 1 g 140.6000061 0 m 374.77502441 0 l 374.77502441 23.25 l 140.6000061 23.25 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 140.6000061 0 cm -1 -1 m 235.17500305 -1 l 235.17500305 24.25 l -1 24.25 l h w n q 1 0 0 1 5.25 0.75 cm /p <> bdc bt /faaabg 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 0 14.39999962 tm /gs2 gs 0 g [<0036003b001100440084001b008500860036003b001100870088>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt /faaaca 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 136.5 14.39999962 tm /gs1 gs 0 g [( )] tj et emc q q q /gs2 gs 1 g 375.1499939 0 m 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